Reflection 6×16

The 6×16 project was a nice opportunity to stop and reflect~ It was also great to hear different perspectives since there isn’t as much ‘hallway talk’ as there used to be, maybe ‘blog talk’ is the new way to go! I especially liked hearing about other approaches to late work, and I was also encouraged… Continue reading Reflection 6×16

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Late Work

Late work is something that I struggle with as an instructor. While I want to be flexible and accept anything at any time, I’m learning that it’s not in the best interest of my students (or me). Often the work submitted is sub-par, and I find that I don’t have the time to provide feedback… Continue reading Late Work

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6X16 #4

How do you keep yourself sweet on teaching?  Teaching can get redundant, especially when teaching online. Face to face, teachers interact with different groups and individuals each semester. Online, where it’s much harder for both teachers and students to have a presence, it can be more difficult (for both) to feel connected, and it’s easier… Continue reading 6X16 #4

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I don’t have much to say about my virtual desktop since so much of what I need to access isn’t instructor but rather program director related. However, I have learned that taking the time to get and stay organized is a HUGE time-saver in the long run. I’m not a naturally organized person, but the… Continue reading Organization

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How do I maintain balance? Well, as a teacher for over 20 years, I have found that maintaining balance has become more of a priority the longer I’m in the field. I talk to preservice teachers (of all ages) about making sure to watch out for burnout and to proactively look for ways to manage… Continue reading Balance

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